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How I Came to ISR

Desireé Choy

As most parents can attest, parenthood changes everything.  What I wouldn't give to make sure my tiny humans have the best possible chance at a healthy, happy and fulfilling life. For our family, ISR played a role in that. I watched videos of my 2 year old nephew swimming across the pool and had to know more.  When I learned the statistics that drowning is the #1 cause of death in children 1-4 years old and often times with an adult nearby, ISR was the answer and it's changed our lives.  

It was an opportunity to offer our children the experience and skills to save their lives and transform their relationship to water.  They went from big feelings and tears, to excited to go to the pool and always with safety at the forefront.   They learned to swim to safety but they also learned that they can do hard things if they keep work at it. 

I watched my 10 month old daughter and 2 year old son complete the ISR swim course for 10 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for six weeks and was amazed at the transformation and skills my kids developed to be able to save themselves in the water. They did hard work developing life saving skills while simultaneously developing trust in themselves and a love for the water. It was pure magic and I want that for all children. 



My Professional Background

After over a decade in education as a teacher, coordinator, and administrator, I have swapped the walls of the classroom for the walls of the swimming pool. While the learning environment may have changed, my goal remains the same, to empower confident, kind and independent problem solvers. 

My background is in education and psychology. I have a Bachelors degree from UCLA in Psychology and Education and a Master's degree and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential from UCSC. I am also a Breathe For Change certified 200 hour yoga instructor and social emotional educator.  ​This made a smooth transition to the foundations and theory that make up ISR. It is deeply rooted in the whole child-including physical, emotional and behavioral learning principles . 


When I Am Not In The Pool

  • I'm probably with my incredible family

  • We love family time together, mundane tasks can become full magical adventures with little ones

  • We love to travel! (Fun Fact: we traveled to Portugal as a family for 2 months to complete my ISR Certification)

  • We love animals, you can find us surrounded by our furry and feathered friends at home (dog, cat, and chickens)

  • We love nature, it calms the mind and feeds the soul 

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